It’s pollinator week and we want to share ways to protect the pollinators and show gratitude while taking some time to honor their role on this planet. Pollinators include bees, butterflies, moths, bats, birds and other insects. Bees are one of the most important pollinators to our food system as they are responsible for pollinating about one third of the world’s food supply!
Unfortunately the pollinator and specifically the bee population is in danger with bee populations in the US declining rapidly. Reports of 30% colony loss each winter as of 2016 is an alarming decline in the bee population.
As a society we need to commit to big lifestyle and industry changes in order to preserve pollinators and our planet.
How is Moon Mother Hemp doing our part to save pollinators and reduce colony loss?
Moon Mother Hemp Company is committed to the health of our planet and all of its creatures. Some steps that we are taking to protect the pollinators include growing strictly USDA certified organic hemp and never exposing our plants or bee friends to any pesticides.
We also use strictly certified organic ingredients so that our impact on the planet is one of protection and positivity.
We utilize flowering cover crops in our crop rotation in order to benefit pollinators, reduce soil erosion and replenish the soil versus depleting like mono cropping.
Another way we support the population is by using pollinator friendly companion plants such as alyssum, fennel and dill in order to attract beneficial insects.
4 Simple Actions You Can Start Taking Today to Help Save the Bees and Other Pollinators
1. Don’t kill bees! This is the easiest action step you can take. Walk away from a bee if it is making you nervous rather than killing it. You can also model bee friendly behavior by educating children and community members about the importance of bees and encouraging others to not kill bees.
2. Avoid insecticides and herbicides on your lawn. Bees need flowering “weeds” for food and some of those weeds are literally the bee’s first food each spring. The colonized “perfect lawn” is literally killing our planet, the pollinator population and is toxic for us humans as well! So, let those dandelions grow and if you must use an insecticide be sure that it is bee friendly.
3. Consume bee friendly products. Certified organic foods and products are produced without the use of pesticides. The more certified organic food we consume, the fewer bees will be exposed to harmful chemicals. We can work as a population to shift the high demand for conventional food toward organics by voting with our dollars. The cotton industry is EXTREMELY pesticide heavy industry. It consumes 16% of al pesticide and 6.8% of all herbicides used worldwide but only makes up 2.5% of the world’s agriculture land. Making the shift from conventional cotton to certified organic cotton is key in saving our world’s pollinators.
4. Create a pollinator garden or habitat. Whether you have a small balcony or a large yard, you can create a bee and pollinator friendly habitat that provides food. Some plants to include either in ground or in pots include: crocus, sweet alyssum, sunflowers, coneflower, geraniums, poppies, bee balm and butterfly weed! Happy planting!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is the Manuka Honey in the Nourish Mask cruelty-free?
A: Yes! All Moon Mother products are cruelty-free, as we are Leaping Bunny Certified.
Our honey is sourced through Manuka Honey USA which is lab tested and shares this statement on their site:
“Additionally, our company, Manuka Honey USA LLC, only deals with reputable beekeepers in New Zealand, that are part of the Official UMF Honey Association. Both the beekeepers and our company, pay a hefty price each year to be part of the Official UMF Honey Association, in order to ensure quality control, unannounced inspections, and most important letting consumers know, that they can trust our beekeepers and us, importing only the highest, lab tested manuka honey, available from New Zealand, making it available here in the US.”
Q: Where is the beeswax used for your topicals sourced from?
A: We have found a reliable source of Certified Organic Beeswax through Jedwards International, Inc.
When you support Moon Mother Hemp products you can be sure you are supporting pollinator populations. We encourage you to take the actions we’ve listed and share your own tips with the community.