Harnessing the energy.
Eclipse energy can be a powerful tool in shadow work and diving deep into the uncomfortable spaces of our minds and hearts. Lunar eclipses can really bring attention to the shadows in our relationships. Tonight’s full moon lunar eclipse in Leo is all about our relationship with ourselves and what parts of us are holding us back from fully meeting our potential. In order to tap into this powerful energy and use it to bring light to the shadows we have to be able to sit in the darkness.
Full Moon Eclipse Meditation: Harness the energy tonight by sitting in meditation with your shadows and listen for any messages that come, identify the parts of yourself needing more attention, love and healing and make the commitment to show up there again and again. Write down all of the ways that you stand in your own way and (safely) burn and release them.
Journal, sketch, vision board etc. on ways to show up more for yourself and your success and end self sabotage in 2019.